Annwyl gyd-aelodau a gwerthwyr tocynnau raffl,
Fel y gwyddoch roedd ein raffl fawr am 2019/2020 at fod wedi cael ei dynnu ar Ebrill 3edd yn yr Eisteddfod ond oblegid y firws Corona ni wedi methu cyfarfod. Mae adran trwyddedi Y Cyngor Sir Gâr wedi awgrymu fy mod yn hysbysebu’r ffaith i chi gyd bod y raffl heb gael ei thynnu eto ac y byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chithau ac i’r Cyngor pan fydd hyn yn debygol o ddigwydd. Gallwch chi basio’r neges ymlaen i’r aelodau sy ddim yn medru cael mynedfa i’r wefan neu Facebook
Dear fellow members and raffle sellers,
As you are aware the 2019/2020 raffle was meant to have been drawn during our annual Eisteddfod to have been held on April 3rd. Unfortunately due to the Corona visrus we have not been able to meet as a group to do so. The licencing department of Carmarthen County Council have been informed and have advised me that I should notify all raffle ticket sellers of the delay and that we will advise yourselves and the Council when we propose to make the draw. Could we ask that this message is passed on to members that do not have access to the Website and Facebook.
Gyda diolch,
Nigel Vaughan – Trysorydd